Osteopathy can play a part in prevention, treatment and support of many musculoskeletal and non musculoskeletal conditions by improving function.
Osteopaths see people of all ages from newborn to the elderly. Nisha uses using both direct techniques (soft tissue, joint release and manipulation), and indirect techniques, such as Cranial Osteopathy, myofascial release and counterstrain.
Our osteopaths have treated and/or supported a wide range of conditions in patients including, but not exclusive to:
Musculoskeletal issues (e.g. neck and back pain, joint, tendon and muscle injury and repetitive strain)
Sciatic pain and disc related pain
Joint and soft tissue pain associated with degeneration and other chronic medical conditions.
Sports injuries
Whiplash, accidents and injuries
Temporomandibular joint pain (jaw)
Postural strain
Dizziness (BPPV)
Nisha also works extensively with women and children treating and/or supporting conditions including:
Menstrual and reproductive dysfunction
Pelvic pain
Pregnancy, birth and postnatal problems (e.g. pubic and Sacro-iliac joint pain, sciatica, back pain etc.)
Infant problems that may result form in-utero or birth strain (feeding problems, head shape or moulding problems, colic and distress, constipation and reflux etc.)
Childhood and teen conditions (e.g. recurrent ear infections, breathing problems, digestive issues, postural problems, injury)
If you would like more information on the conditions that Osteopaths treat and support please call us to discuss, or follow the links below:
Structural Treatment
Biodynamic Osteopathy approach
Cranial Osteopathy